Coleman John Whiting

04/01/92 ❧ 05/16/16

Coleman John Whiting was my second oldest son, business parter who co-founded LeBlanc CNE, and my best friend. I didn’t appreciate what he meant when he called me his best friend until he died. He, like his older brother, had eplepsy and died during a seizure. His sudden death was the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced.

Smart, funny, loving, and creative. He approached me asking for help transitioning from Big Pharm to medical marijuana. And so LeBlanc CNE was born.

As the cannabis community said, “We&rsqo;re all mourning the loss of one of our own”

CO2 extractor, budtender, recording engineer, loving brother and son, and an enduring inspiration to me and so many others. Carrying on the work we started is what gets me out of bed each and every day. Not only is he soaring towards the stars, my potion of his ashes is making pearls between Fauntleroy and Vashon Island. (I’m holding his ashes in the photo above.)

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